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Wednesday, February 7, 6PM –8PM, SF Women Artists Gallery, 647 Irving Street

On February 8, 1928 a group of business owners adopted a set of incorporated bylaws and formally became the Inner Sunset Merchants Association. They did so "to facilitate unity of action among the merchants in the Inner Sunset District, San Francisco, in order to protect, promote and preserve the business conditions within the Inner Sunset Neighborhood Commercial District. The Inner Sunset is defined as that area inside the following boundaries: from Arguello Blvd. west to 19th Avenue, and from Fulton Street south to Moraga Street in San Francisco."

Since that time our small business district has experienced many cycles of economic boom and bust while serving our surrounding neighborhoods. The district has weathered the Great Depression which began in 1929, WWII, the Korean War, and many smaller but severe downturns in the economy up to the Great Recession of 2008. What has survived and remains today is a consolidated, eclectic mix of retail and restaurants, service businesses and banking, continuing to fulfill some of our local residents' needs. What threatens small business today is the ease of shopping and dining via the internet.

Please join us in conversation, while enjoying wine and light snacks, on February 7th from 6–8pm, as we look to the future and toward developing new models of customer engagement and retention.


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Contact ISMA

Inner Sunset Merchants Association
P. O. Box 225057
San Francisco, CA 94122


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© 2017 Inner Sunset Merchants Association

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